The Fusion Theism Blog -- The Bible CAB Transporting you to the Truth

Monday, January 12, 2015

The 8 Miracles that Point to Yahweh

8 Miracles that Point to Yahweh

A "miracle" is that which is beyond scientific understanding or explanation, or that which contradicts current known scientific theories and laws of nature.

In my view, there are 8 extraordinary miracles which point to Yahweh (Jehovah), the God of the Bible, as being the Creator of the universe.

Miracle Number 1: The universe is made up of space, time, and matter. Current scientific understanding is that space, time, and matter began to exist at a specific moment, with the Singularity and the Big Bang. Prior to this, space, time, and matter did not exist.

Everything we know in science requires time. There is cause-and-effect in nature and in the universe because things happen in time. Nothing we have ever seen has happened without time. Thus, in order to be a natural event, time must exist.

So, any event occurring without time would be a miracle, and especially the event of time itself coming into existence, without time existing previously, would be miraculous by anyone's definition. Either time created itself from nothing, before it existed, or something else outside of time created time.

Since it is a logical absurdity to claim that time existed before time existed, and created itself, we are left with the thought that something else must have created time.

Miracle Number 2: The vast majority of human beings acknowledge that absolute morals of good and evil do exist: The Holocaust, slavery, child molestation, rape, murder are all wrong no matter what anyone says, and these things are wrong for all people, at all times, in all locations. Period. We also realize that there is a duty to obey these morals, and we feel guilt when we do not.

This points to an outside, third-party umpire or judge of morals.

Miracle Number 3: There is a deep desire within human beings, going back thousands upon thousands of years, for a Higher Power and an afterlife. These desires are as deep within humanity as are the desires for food, water, clothing, sex, and shelter. All of those other things actually exist in reality, so why should we assume that a Higher Power and afterlife does not exist?

We accept logic, love, and morality as truth because we feel their power deep inside of us. Why should we reject the idea of a Higher Power that we feel so deeply within?

Miracle Number 4: Science has never shown that life can spontaneously naturally develop from non-life, without intelligent engineering. Therefore this points to an intelligent engineer bringing forth the first life on earth. (Abiogenesis is an unscientific claim.)

Miracle Number 5: Many scientists say that the universe appears extremely improbably fine-tuned, or "tweaked" in order to favor the existence of life, and especially human life. This points to cosmic designer.

Miracle Number 6: The resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth is the best, most logical explanation for all of the events that took place at that time, surrounding His death.

No one has ever naturally come back to life after being dead. This points to something beyond nature with the power to give life.

Miracle Number 7: The Bible accurately predicted, with precise detail, centuries in advance, the following:

(a): that the Jewish Messiah would appear in 33 A.D., and would be killed, then the same government that killed Him would destroy the rebuilt Temple. (Daniel 9:24-27)
(b): that skeptics would rise up in the "Last Days" and claim that Noah's Flood never happened and that there is no Creator. (2 Peter 3:5-7)

No one has ever naturally predicted the future with any accuracy. This points to something beyond nature with foreknowledge.

Miracle Number 8: The Bible accurately declared advanced scientific knowledge, such as:

(a): The earth is suspended in empty space. (Job 26:7)
(b): The earth is spherical. (Isaiah 40:22)
(c): There are "springs" on the ocean floor. (Job 38:16; Genesis 7:11; Proverbs 8:28)
(d): You must quarantine sick people. (Leviticus 13:4, 46; Leviticus 14:8; Numbers 5:2; 2 Kings 15:5)

This points to something beyond ancient humanity that provided them with advance/early scientific information which was not discovered by scientists until recent times.

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