Friday, May 3, 2013

Top Questions for Catholics

1:) Where does the Bible say there would be a long line or succession of people who held the same position as the Apostle Peter?

2:) Where does the Bible say church leaders should not be married?

3:) Where does the Bible say Mary is a Mediator or Redeemer?

4:) Where does the Bible say Peter (or any successors) would be infallible or inerrant when teaching doctrine?

5:) Why are priests called "Father," since Jesus commanded that no religious person on earth should be referred to as "Father"? (Matthew 23:9)

6:) Why did Peter have a mother-in-law if he was unmarried? (Luke 4:38)

7:) Where does the Bible say Mary was sinless or that she remained a virgin forever?

8:) Where does the Bible say babies should be baptized?

9:) Where does the Bible give priests the authority to forgive sins?

10:) What happens if a Catholic reads the Bible and he or she believes the Bible is teaching something different from what the Pope is teaching? (Acts 17:11)

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