Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Best Atheist Questions Ever

Fellow Christians, we need to read, examine, study these questions, so we can give good answers.

Atheists, skeptics, agnostics: Please add your own questions in the comments, or by emailing me at, or tweet me at @AnnotatedBible

1:) If our consciousness couldn't have evolved naturally, and had to be created by a God with intelligence, then how did God get His consciousness? If it cannot evolve naturally, then God couldn't naturally have consciousness either. On the other hand, if God COULD evolve consciousness naturally, then why couldn't human beings also?

2:) If our morals reflect the Creator's morals, and if Yahweh is the Creator, then why are we disgusted by many of Yahweh's actions in the Old Testament? (killing infants, killing entire nations, allowing rapists to marry their victims, allowing Israel to have slaves, allowing soldiers to take women captive to become "wives", putting unruly children to death, etc.)

3:) If Jesus Christ was the absolute perfect reflection of our Creator's moral feelings, and if the Creator is Yahweh, then why were Yahweh's actions in the Old Testament so much different than Christ's in the New Testament, sometimes even the exact opposite?

4:) Even if a Creator / Designer does exist, then how do we know that this Creator is like Yahweh, or Jesus, or Allah, etc.

5:) Why should we accept the Bible as a holy book from God, but reject the Quran, the Book of Mormon, etc, etc.

6:) Are God's actions "right" because He says so, or are His actions "right" because they agree with some kind of standard of "justice" that exists apart from God?

7:) When the Bible says "There is no injustice with God," or "God is just," what standard of "justice" or "injustice" is the Bible comparing Yahweh to?

8:) What evidence exists that points to a designer / creator?

9:) What evidence exists proving that the Bible is inspired by God?

10:) Why did Jesus condemn the Pharisees for failing to kill disrespectful children? (Mark 7:9-13)

11:) If God's Law to Moses was absolutely perfect in every way (as Psalm 119 appears to say), how could it later be replaced and referred to as "imperfect" and "obsolete," and "not God's ideal from the beginning"? (Matthew 19:7-9, Hebrews 8:13, Hebrews 8:7)

12:) If Yahweh or Jesus commanded you to kill someone, would you do it? Why or why not?

13:) If God is omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient, why does He allow suffering?

14:) How would we know Jesus was empowered by God and not Satan?

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