Saturday, November 17, 2012

Welcome to the Fusion Theism Blog!

The goal of this blog is to bring Christians (plus all Bible believers and theists) together from all denominations, groups, churches, and traditions, for the purpose of reasoning on the Scriptures and arriving at a "FUSION" of our beliefs.

My desire is for all of us (in love and mutual respect) to discuss and debate on the doctrines that divide us-- including Calvinism, Arminianism, Open Theism, Molinism, Eternal Security, Faith and Works, Modern Israel, Evolution, Science, Young Earth & Old Earth, Abortion, Gay Marriage, Sex, the Trinity, Faith-Healing, "Name-It-And-Claim-It," Baptism, and other topics.

My highest hope and prayer is, that through this humble blog, Christians from all over the world may come to discover together and agree on the truth of God's Holy Word, and worship in harmony -- What I call "Fusion Theism," "Fusion Theology," or "Fusionism."

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